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Bafford, Douglas, Brandeis University
Baldewijns, Greet, 1. KU Leuven technology campus Geel, AdvISe, Belgium 2. KU Leuven, ESAT-STADIUS, Belgium 3. iMinds Medical Information Technology department, Belgium
Barmon, Christina, Central Connecticut State University
Barry, José Azoh, Consejo Social de la Frontera Norte, AC, Nuevo Leon
Bataille, M. Aspen, George Mason University
Bedorf, Franziska, Freie Universität Berlin Latin America Institute Scientific Associate Habelschwerdter Allee 45 Raum JK33/232 14195 Berlin
Begueria, Arantza, Open University of Catalonia
Bengtson, Vern L, University of Southern California
Berman, Rebecca
Biniok, Peter, Furtwangen University
Boroch, Robert, University of Warsaw
Bos, Pien, University of Humanistic Studies Utrecht, Netherlands
Bradley, Leah, Heyman Interages Center, Jewish Council for the Aging
Bratun, Urša, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Alma Mater Europaea ECM, Slovenia
Bravo, Arthur Ivan, New York City Department of Education
Brazda, Michael, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
Briller, Sherri
Briller, Sherylyn, Wayne State University
Briller, Sherylyn, Wayne State University, Department of Anthropology
Briller, Sherylyn
Briller, Sherylyn, Purdue University
Brown, Daniel E., University of Hawaii at Hilo
Brown, Diane L., Medical College of Wisconsin
Bryanton, Olive

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