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Abed Rabho, Laila, Associate FellowThe Harry S. Truman Research Institutefor The Advancement of PeaceThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Adamek, Margaret E., Indiana University


Ågotnes, Gudmund, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences


Ahlness, Ellen, Education Maksad, Seattle, US
Alber, Erdmute, Chair of Social Anthropology University of Bayreuth D-95440 Bayreuth
Alber, Erdmute, Bayreuth University (Germany)
Aldrich, Rebecca M, Saint Louis University
Andersen, Michael, University of Copenhagen
Antelius, Eleonor, Centre for Dementia Research (CEDER) National Institute for the Study of Aging and later Life (NISAL) Department of Social and Welfare Studies Linköping University Sweden
Aronsson, Anne, Yale University
Awondo, Patrick, Center for Social Change Gender and Discrimination Faculty of Sciences Education University of Yaoundé 1

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